Moodle Support
Do you need help deciding whether Moodle or another LMS is right for you?
About 60% of the World´s Higher Education Providers use Moodle, an open-source Learning Management System. It has become more user-friendly and customizeable than ever before but to thrive it needs to be looked after properly. It also has a cloud and app version. But, is it right for you?
I can:
- Advise on whether a Learning Management System is what you need
- Assess whether a Moodle LMS might be a right option
- Share good practices, insights and tips on the use of Moodle in teaching and learning
- Demonstrate a Moodle course in Practice
- Provide you with uncomplicated information on customisation and plugins
- Provide training on Moodle administration
- Provide training on course development within Moodle
- Explain how collecting, analysing and interpreting educational data can be achieved using Moodle.
- Demonstrate GDPR Compliance Features within Moodle
- Provide training on applying learning analytics with Moodle